“Operation Orange Cross” – Ft. McMurray Wildfire Disaster Relief
On May 3rd, 2016 residents of Ft. McMurray and the surrounding area were forced from their homes under a mandatory evacuation due to wildfires consuming the area. This tragic news had our hearts and prayers going out to all those affected by the wild fires raging in the Wood Buffalo region.
Enbridge Ride To Conquer Cancer
Enoch Civil Construction's President and Owner, Bob Willows, has gathered employees and friends to ride together in the Enbridge Ride To Conquer Cancer numerous times.
“My Dream to be Bob the Builder”
On May 14th, 2016 some of the Enoch Civil Construction team members had the rewarding opportunity to help fulfill the dreams of 3 amazing kids who are currently fighting for their lives as they battle cancer.
Enoch Civil Construction proudly presents an annual fundraising fishing event called “Hooked On The Heart”, in support of the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.